Monday, March 6, 2017

AnnLoretta's 5-Star Review of "Fated and Fateless"

I was heartened to see this review by a Goodreads friend AnnLoretta:-

Unrelenting suspense. This is a wonderful story of woman versus adversity in a culture which is blind to women.

The tension Ms. Poon creates about the ultimate fate of Wendy, the protagonist, and that of the other women in this story -- for the men are always secondary characters to the upheavals they continually create -- is riveting. What can Wendy make of her life? '

I spent nearly 10 years in a publicly traded real estate investment firm, so I fell immediately into the technicalities of the business. One needn't be able to do that to appreciate the situations these women are in on the changing climate of Hong Kong. The conflicts are deeply communicated and leap off the page.

This book is engrossing, and I greatly enjoyed its story and well-drawn and varied women characters.

Based on this book, I am looking forward to Ms. Poon's next book, due out soon! 

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