Tuesday, March 26, 2013

French Golden Oldie - "Les Feuilles Mortes"

“Autumn Leaves” is without question one of the much loved golden oldies of the 40s. Its original French version “Les Feuilles Mortes” sung by Yves Montand, in my opinion, surpasses any other version in poignancy, and it leaves a lingering after-taste. No doubt this is owed much to the heart-wrenching sentimental lyrics. Indeed, the French song was rendered from Jacques Prevert’s great poem of the same name.

Jacques Prevert may perhaps be a lesser known name than Charles Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme or Paul Verlaine in the realm of French poetry, nonetheless his name was first introduced to me when I was studying French in my youth at L’Alliance Francaise. Ever since, one of his poems, “Barbara”, which was about the afflictions brought on by war, has stuck in my head to this day.

Here’s the link to the French song “Les Feuilles Mortes” (“The Dead Leaves”) performed by Italian-French actor/singer Yves Montand:-

Here’s the link to Nat King Cole’s rendition of “Autumn Leaves”:-

The lyrics of “Les Feuilles Mortes” as performed by Yves Montand in the above clip:-

Oh ! je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes
Des jours heureux où nous étions amis.
En ce temps-là la vie était plus belle,
Et le soleil plus brûlant qu'aujourd'hui.
Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle.
Tu vois, je n'ai pas oublié...
Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle,
Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi,
Et le vent du nord les emporte
Dans la nuit froide de l'oubli.
Tu vois, je n'ai pas oublié
La chanson que tu me chantais.

C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble.
Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Nous vivions tous les deux ensemble,
Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,
Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants désunis.
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,
Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants désunis.

Here’s my English translation of the lyrics:-

Oh, how I wish that you could call to mind
The happy days when we were friends.
At that time life was more beautiful
And the sun more sizzling than today.
The dead leaves gather around the shovel,
You see, I’ve not forgotten…
The dead leaves gather around the shovel,
The memories and the regrets too;
And the north wind carries them
Through the cold night of oblivion.
You see, I’ve not forgotten
The song that you sang to me.

It is a song that mirrors our story.
You, you loved me, and I loved you;
We used to live, the two of us together.
You, who loved me, and I, who loved you.
But life separates those who love each other
Very softly, without making a noise.
And the sea wipes away from the sand
The footprints of lovers torn asunder.

But life separates those who love each other
Very softly, without making a noise.
And the sea wipes away from the sand
The footprints of lovers torn asunder.

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